

10am – 4:30pm Daily.

Connecting with a dog and seeing their tail wagging in appreciation is one of life’s absolute joys.

There’s mounting scientific evidence to support the notion that a few minutes of stroking a dog prompts a release of ‘feel-good’ endorphins in humans. Like eating chocolate, patting a dog brings feelings of happiness, calm and relaxation.

With this in mind, it should come as no surprise that Pat-A-Pooch will be one of the most popular attractions at the 2024 Dog Lovers Festival.

Visitors have the opportunity to interact with a multitude of dog breeds of all shapes and sizes, with a handler there at all times to provide trusted, reliable information about each pooch. Pat-A-Pooch presents a beautiful yet rare opportunity for kids (and adults) to get up close and personal with dogs – as well as take a much-deserved break from the busy-ness of the Dog Lovers Festival.

Pat-A-Pooch works in conjunction with the Adoption Zone and the ADVANCE Breed Showcase, providing resources and valuable information on a wide range of dogs. Visitors love meeting and interacting, in a safe and rewarding environment, with the beautiful dogs at the Festival which is why Pat-A-Pooch gets bigger and better every year!